Thursday, February 23, 2017

Is Coding a Career for Me? A Talk with Jay Wengrow, CEO of Actualize 2/23/17

I was very interested in going to this meetup because the summary listed that it was going to talk about an overview of coding for those new to the topic. I was a little hesitant since it was downtown and I have signed up for many of these but canceled last minute due to the hour commute each way (not to mention the cost of parking!). It was held at 1871 at the Merchandise Mart in Chicago. I did end up going and am glad I did. I will share a little of what I learned.

There are many different positions related to coding as well as many languages to choose from.  A Software Designer creates the actual feel and presentation/color/theme of the website.  A Software Developer writes the actual code that makes the site work and function.  People who write code are often called developers, coders, or programmers.  Programmer is an outdated term and most job titles now list developer instead. Coder is more like a slang term to describe someone who writes code but would not be listed on a job search site.

There are mainly three paths people take to learn to code.  They are university taught, boot camps, and self-taught.  Universities normally provide an overall structure to learn but most do not dive into any one type of language in depth.  Boot camps are usually several months of long hours of coding on a specific type of language or area with the goal of getting a new job or advancing a current one. Self-taught programming can be the most difficult since it requires a large amount of self-discipline and little instruction or feedback.

All of these options for learning to code can be successful to getting a job coding.  Many large companies require a degree and have stable teams of coders who work together on projects. A downside to large companies is there is often a lot of red tape and approvals that need to be met before being able to implement any changes to code.  A medium size company can have the right mix of ability to have input into decisions as well as good benefits.  In a smaller company, you may be the only person on the development team. We were told a story of a small company where the developer made one small change to the code during his workday. The next day he found out no one had been able to order anything on the site of a popular company all night. Having this much responsibility can be good or bad depending on what you are looking for.

Job interviews can range anywhere from someone asking you behavioral questions only, to a combination of normal interviews and light coding, to a full intensive coding project. People newly out of boot camp have reported experiencing all of these types of interviews and you should be prepared for any combination but not intimidated. Be honest about what you know or ways you are thinking of solving a problem.

Coding currently is in demand and a stable career path.  New coders in Chicago can expect to earn about $50-$60k per year starting out. After 2yrs many make between $65-85k per year, and after 5yrs many start to near $100k per year. This is for a skilled coder who continues to learn as they go along. After 10yrs, many skilled coders go into management or decide to be entrepreneurs and work on their own.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Meetup 2: Java Overview - 2/20/17

At our 2nd meetup we went over the basics of object oriented programming, made a "Hello World" app, and learned about java in general. We will start the MIT course lectures 1&2 at the next meetup.

See this link below for meeting information:
Meetup 2: Java Overview Info

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

GDG Study Jam - Udacity's free course: Developing Android Apps (Intermediate)

It's time again for the GDG Study Jam! This year we are following Udacity's free course: Developing Android Apps (Intermediate). See previous post for beginner class info.

This class was completely different from the first one. It does say in the beginning they expect you to have some programming experience or background but is a huge change from last years beginner android course in which they walked through everything together. It's going to be much more of a challege but can easily be overcome by putting in a little time and effort. 😎

Monday, February 13, 2017

Udacity - Android Development for Beginners

I have been getting prepared for the Google Developer Group - Part 2 Android Development, so I spent most of the day reviewing the first Udacity course:

I spend about six hours working on this with a few breaks but still have quite a ways to go. I was hoping to review the whole course before the meetup tomorrow but was not able to get it done. I still plan to continue working on this since the second series builds on top of this first sequence.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


My First Visit to...

So being new to Java, I knew going to the Java User Group meetings would be over my head and a bit advanced. I was hoping to learn some terminology and get to see exactly what they do at these meetups and this I did, I was not disappointed. Before this, I had no idea what DevOps was referring to. I found out that this is a combination of the Development Team at a company and the Operations Team working together to ensure the technology works especially at large corporations. As resources and load bearing on devices become more increasing with demands of large data, these teams must work together to ensure nothing crashes. This Meetup was about using the cloud to run services.

As far as the very technical parts of the meeting I could not tell you much. I was able to follow along on Oracle Virtual Box for about half of the presentation before they started going too fast. I considered this a win since I saw others in the room get lost before I did which was encouraging.

I also learned something that was not java specific. One of the leaders of the group pointed out that you can see what technology is trending in demand on job boards such as  There is a link on the bottom of their page for “Trends”. If you enter in several items you would like to compare (ex: Java, HTML, CSS, Python, C), you can then see what are the most in demand skills currently. To me, attending a Meetup is a success if you learn even one thing. Mission accomplished!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Our 1st Beginner Java Developer Meetup

Our 1st Beginner Java Developer Meetup

We had our 1st Beginner Java Developer Meetup which was a big success.  Many people who came already work with another programming language and want to learn Java while some are new to coding like myself.  I look forward to learning from each other as we go on.

We agreed to start out following the MIT open course “Intro to Programming in Java” as suggested by our special guest Michael from the Chicago Java Users Group (CJUG). He also suggested we start a slack group which is listed below, as well as referred us to check out the CJUG podcasts which can be useful for beginners.

I mentioned to our members the upcoming Google Study Jam which is free and starts Wednesday which shows you how to create Android Apps. This is part two of the series and I would highly recommend going over the free first Udacity course - Android Development for Beginners if you missed part one last year. I would estimate these to be about 10-12 hours of coursework but there is no total time listed on the program. Several of our Meetup members are signed up and plan to attend.

Please join our slack group: LearningJavaGroup